I’m back!

I wonder what happened to the draft I just wrote. It’s gone. Pity. It was a classic.

It has been too long since I have published on WordPress and I intend to do better. Stay tuned.

In the meantime, we are coming up on the 4th of July, and Washington is full of tourists. Many locals just barely tolerate them, but I’ve always liked seeing new faces. I’m reminded that for some this may be the only time they come to Washington D.C. or even leave their own state. So, I try to help them find the Smithsonian (down the escalator on Metro, take that train, etc…).

It was only a month ago that I went to Arlington Cemetery to visit my grandparents. The visitors were split between tourists and family coming to visit their loved ones. The Cemetery is huge so it’s helpful to download the app, find the grave, and then take the special bus that will take you to the area.

My grandparents were in one of the older areas up on a hill. The biggest problem was that they were redoing the street up there, and it was difficult to find them. Two other couples had the same problem. My suggestion to Arlington Cemetery to station some of their young people up there to help people find the graves.

But I did find one new (living) resident. There is a wild turkey on the grounds. This blurry shot is because I wasn’t getting close to him after hiking amid the gravestones for an hour. My feet hurt.

Arlington Cemetery wild turkey on Memorial Day, 2023.

By the way? I found my grandparents and left my flowers. Then I helped the others to find theirs.

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